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Diversified Capital Management

Fight Back DRiP

Fight Back

When you find yourself overwhelmed with rising costs and expenses, fight back. How do you do this? Well, a little easier than you think.

Dividend reinvestment programs(called DRiP) are an excellent way to enter the investor class. It gives you a voice, when you have a company/ industry that is causing you concern (rising costs, changing products or services) investing in the company’s stock, you now have entered a three- pronged attack:

1. You are now a shareholder and the increased costs may increase the value of the stock (company) you have just purchased and thereby receiving a benefit.

2. You now have a voice. Once a year, shareholders can voice their opinion on how the company is run. In the industry we call this the proxy vote. You now have a voice.

3. You now have an excellent way to save. Dividend Reinvestment Programs (DRiP – known as DRIPS) are easy – take little money to start and provides a necessary outlet to diversify your savings.

If you like the idea don’t hesitate, call into the office for further information on DRiP’s.